Born and primarily reared in Northern Indiana, MeatRoots (aka: K.G. Zyon Eix) quickly feared the human race, because… well, they were human. His vision of the world was unlike anyone else’s as early as he could remember, and it shown in his creativity.
Brought-up in a horror film enthused family, it wasn’t the portrayal of terror from celluloid as early as Georges Méliès’ Le Manoir du Diable to the shot-on-video 80’s that influenced his early drawings, but his sense of being that the world is more macabre than how others perceive it. Where others gloat of the elegance of one’s flawless appearance, he seen the beauty in the scars of tragic creatures.
As he grew, and the torments of bullying upon him, his only outlet had been that of creativity. The deeper the scars placed upon him by “the real world”, the more those disfigurements were portrayed in “his world”
Adulthood postponed his creativity, but it introduced digital painting as a way to quickly display his mind or fan art (homage). As his life became increasingly more stressful, and the digital medium becoming such a ridiculous thing to maintain due to crashes/upgrades/errors, he decided to go back to the “roots” of his creativity with traditional medium. Sacrificing his way of living (twice), MeatRoots ventured onto a creative sabbatical to attempt different traditional methods of representing his muse.
Currently residing in Central North Carolina, MeatRoots has entered his “Chimera” stage of creativity, in which he is now breeding his traditional pieces with photography tricks and digital means. It’s just a matter of time before they manifest themselves onto film and the Human World.